Optimise your marketing activity and improve your return on investment (ROI). In this workshop you’ll discover how small changes at every stage of the customer journey can make a big difference to your bottom line, and use that knowledge to create an ROI-boosting campaign plan.
You’ll leave with…
- A campaign mapped out across your marketing channels, ready for your team to design and execute
- A list of optimisations to make at every stage of your customer journey
- An ROI calculator to measure your success
You’ll love this workshop if…
- You’re investing in marketing, but not seeing enough of a return
- You’re an analytical type who knows the power of data-driven decision making
- You’ve got a good understanding of your customers and marketing channels
- You enjoy collaborative thinking and new ideas
The better you know your audience, the more you'll get out of this workshop! We recommend beginning with our Know Your Audience workshop to set a strong foundation for this course.
- Group 1 start 4th Feb, then 11th, 18th
- Group 2 start 25th Feb, 4th, 11th March
Three half-day group workshops + one individual 1hr followup session, $1250 per business. Max 8 people per workshop.
Times: 9am - 12pm
Feedback from previous courses...
“I would recommend the course to any small business that wants to learn more about marketing avenues and how to make the most of their marketing dollar spend. The courses really help me narrow down my focus and make me feel more confident that I am reaching the right people through my marketing. The benefit of having questions answered as you are learning and discovering the questions by two marketing gurus is invaluable.” – Charlotte Johnson, Paris For The Weekend.
“The workshops were packed with helpful information and the facilitators were generous in their customising examples to our businesses and helping us by answering our individual questions. Highly Recommended.” – Marina Shearer, Profile Coaching
Facilitators: Bianca Punt, Ally Mullord