A transformative journey to drive sales growth, and enhance customer engagement.



Project Update:


SERVICES: Brand identity, Brand strategy, Marketing Strategy, Packaging


Always-On Brand Awareness Campaigns

Audience Expansion and Engagement

Brand Identity Overhaul

Full Funnel Advertising Approach

Operational Efficiencies

Database Optimisation

Fitfood, a prominent player in the health-conscious food industry, were looking for increased brand awareness and significant growth to strengthen their market position. Recognising the need for a comprehensive strategic overhaul, Fitfood embarked on a transformative journey, aiming to not only refresh its brand identity but also to refine its marketing strategy to drive sales growth, enhance customer engagement, and improve overall operational efficiency.

The key focus was the implementation of always-on campaigns aimed at driving continuous brand awareness. By leveraging a variety of creative messages, Fitfood ensured persistent visibility in the market, keeping the brand at the forefront of consumers' minds across a range of audiences and use occasions.

Through market research and a holistic, 360 approach to consumer behaviour, previously untapped audiences were identified, leading to the development of targeted campaigns. These strategic initiatives introduced the Fitfood brand to new customers, significantly broadening its market reach and driving sales from more first-time users.

Recognising the power of a strong brand identity, Fitfood underwent a comprehensive rebranding process. This included the introduction of updated logos, fonts, and colours, all of which were consistently applied across various touchpoints, including a refresh in packaging design. The new packaging not only elevated the brand's visual appeal but also addressed operational challenges by improving the visibility of meal distinctions, thereby reducing packing errors and streamlining shelf stocking.

Fitfood's comprehensive strategy, encompassing brand refresh, audience expansion, marketing optimisation, and operational efficiency improvements, has not only repositioned and redefined the brand as a leader in the health food industry but also set a new benchmark for business transformation. The impressive outcomes of this initiative highlight the importance of a synchronised approach to brand identity, marketing strategy, and operational processes in driving sustainable business growth and customer loyalty.